Cigarette Smoking is Self-Destruction

First article in new category 'Bloggers' on my website by a new entry blogger Best wishes for her.

"Like the trout is trapped by the fishermen’s temp and the mouse by cheese; there is a tragic irony that living beings are often desired by what they desire. But at least both the fish and the mouse have excuses; the bait and the cheese look like nutrition. Also, they don’t know that they’ll be trapped as a result. Humans do not have such excuses. The temptations that demolish their lives are usually already known to be dangerous. Smoking is no match with the nutrition or something without which they can’t survive."...

Full article on this link.


  1. The temptations that demolish their lives are usually already known to be dangerous. Smoking is no match with the nutrition or something without which they can’t survive. ecigs


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