FREE Best Operating System - Why Linux is Better - Part 1
Most of people has different opinion about what is the Best Operating System. I have the following reasons Why Linux is the Better or in fact the Best Operating System. What is your opinion? Forget about viruses. You are using the Best Operating System. Is your system unstable? Some operating systems can be so stable that most users never see their systems crash, even after several years. This is true for Linux, the Best Operating System. Linux protects your computer. Don't pay $100 for your operating system. On the other hand, you can get Linux completely free of charge. No more c**pware. None of that with Linux. Freedom! Linux, the Best Operating System, and "Open Source" software are "free". When the system has installed, why would you still need to install stuff? When you get Linux, you also get, without installing many software. Forget about drivers. Update all your software with a single click. Why copy software illegally if you can ...